
Impact Philanthropy and Donor Advising

Division Contact: Ken Grossinger

Funders are focusing more and more on impact. Whether you are an institutional investor or part of the growing group of individual funders, whose charitable giving now comprises more than 73% of the philanthropic pie, or if you give away large sums of hard dollar donations, one direction is clear—investment should lead to impact.

With this clear goal in mind, Democracy Partners initiated the Impact Philanthropy and Donor Advising division focused on achieving impact through philanthropic investments in non-profit agencies, investments in 501(c)4 organizations, or hard dollar donations. 

Our clients have included some of the most strategic donors and donor organizations in America, a sampling includes;

  • New Israel Funds
  • Arcus Foundation/Jon Stryker
  • Arca Foundation
  • Atlantic Philanthropies
  • Brave New Foundation
  • Democracy Alliance
  • Ford Foundation
  • National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
  • NextGen Climate
  • Leo Hindery
  • Peter Buttenwieser
  • Rockefeller Family Fund
  • Solidago Foundation
  • Women's Donor Network

On the philanthropic side, Democracy Partners works with you and/or your staff to assess field capacity in the issue areas that your organization wants to support. And we make recommendations on how to strengthen the field or organizations you fund to achieve lasting, measurable impact.

We develop and present you with strategic options, based on the latest field information and organizational profiles, to help focus your philanthropy in areas that make a difference.

Cognizant of the growing role that arts and culture, including film, are playing in the social justice arena, Democracy Partners develops model programs to guide investments in this area. As a pioneer in the art and social change space, partner Ken Grossinger brings a particularly informed approach to such projects.

In issue campaigns, from income inequality to climate change and democracy, our work is laser-focused in support of national, regional and state-based donor networks.

We develop intellectual capital and write thought papers for your board on current trends in philanthropy buttressed by hard analytics.

With small family foundations we help ensure that your basic infrastructure, from by-laws to due diligence practices is IRS compliant, while maximizing your giving potential. 

And on the hard dollar side, where our team includes some of the most talented political operatives in the country, we inform your political giving for ballot initiatives, candidates for public office, and elections.

The team at Democracy Partners has decades of experience advising funders on how and where they can have the biggest impact to achieve their goals. Our partners have helped make hundreds of giving decisions. They know how to evaluate success and hold the people who run projects accountable. And just as important, they know first hand what works on the ground—from years of experience actually designing and executing campaigns and programs in the real world. 

Democracy Partners designs and oversees strategic planning programs for organizations and campaigns. We also help design and organize new coalitions, often unlikely partners who are brought together through negotiation and a marriage of self-interests. 



Democracy Partners includes leading experts in:

  • Political Messaging
  • Earned Media
  • Electoral Campaign Planning, General Consulting and Campaign Management
  • Planning and Executing Advocacy Campaigns
  • High Intensity Field Programs
  • Television, Radio and Digital Advertising
  • Direct Mail
  • Web Site Development
  • Fundraising
  • Donor Advising and High Impact Philanthropy
  • Social Media Organizing
  • Advance, Planning and Executing Events
  • Media Training
  • Organizer Training
  • Issue and Electoral Phone Programs
  • Executive Search Services and Recruitment
  • Opposition Research
  • Coalition Building

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